Tool to Help Etsy Sellers Rearrange Items

Update 5/2/2016:  I modified this extension to include support for paging.  See the post here.


Etsy recently made changes to the seller pages, which makes it difficult for sellers with many items. One of the main issues that I’ve seen many sellers with hundreds of items complain about is having to click the “More items” button many times to load items 24 at a time before they can rearrange their items.  So if you have 800 items, you have to click the button 33 times!  And that’s after scrolling to the right spot each time.  Also you only see 3 items across, which means a lot of scrolling.

So I wrote a Chrome browser extension that will help with these issues. It currently does two things in shop edit mode:

– Loads all your items by automatically clicking the “More items” button for you
– Optionally displays items in “compact mode” by hiding elements on the page to just show the items.


It’s very easy to install and use:

1) Install the free extension from the Chrome webstore:

2) Go to your store edit page (

3) The toolbox icon in the toolbar will become active. Click the toolbox to open the menu. etsy_toolbox_icon

4) If you want the compact display mode to show while editing, verify the the checkbox is checked.

5) Click “Load all items” button. A messagebox will appear when it’s done loading.

That’s it, now rearrange your items! To return to regular display mode, either refresh the browser page or click the “View shop” button in the toolbox popup menu.

NOTE: This does not change the functionality of rearrange, so if you are experiencing the bug with rearranging not saving the correct positions then this extension will not fix that.

This Post Has 34 Comments

  1. Wow~! You are awesome for doing this for free! Thank you so much~!!

  2. Such a time saver! Thank you very much for doing this and making it available to Etsy shop owners. Awesome.

  3. Doug,
    Thank YOU so much for creating this special app for our etsy shops!!!
    Now I am wondering. Do I have a bug because the app is not saving the rearranged items OR am I not saving it correctly? Is there a special way to save that I just don’t understand? AND if I click reset does that take my shop BACK to the original layout?
    Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Sandy, I just replied in the forums too. Several people are having an issue with the rearrange not saving, and that’s without using my extension. There are several threads in the Bugs forum, and some very vocal sellers are not happy! My extension just changes how the items are displayed on screen, but it still uses Etsy’s code to do the rearrange functionality. So yes, if it’s not saving the positions then that’s part of the existing bug and Etsy says they are working on it.

      Forgot to respond regarding the reset page display. That just reloads the page for you without the “compact mode” layout. It has no effect on the rearrange order at all.

  4. I really appreciate you taking your time and effort in developing this tool for sellers. It is nice to know that kind people still exist!

    I am having an issue, however, and any help you can give me would be wonderful. When I go to download this extension in the chrome store, I get this message “package is invalid” and it will not download. Now I am currently running chrome on a chromebook so, of course, cannot run executable files but as this is not an exe, I wonder if its just a blip or is it not compatible with my chromebook?

    Thank you for your anticipated assistance.

    Kind regards,

    1. Hi Leslie, I have not tested it on a Chromebook but I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t work. You are correct, there is no executable so it should work for any platform. Were there any other details about the failure?

    2. Fixed the issue with the “package is invalid” when trying to install on a Chromebook. The latest version includes the fix and is available now in the Chrome Webstore.

  5. Hi Doug

    I can send you a screenshot, however I would need to send you as an attachment to an email. Is there an address I can use?

    Thanks, Leslie

  6. I love this tool
    One thing that would make it perfect is to let us number everything first before moving to the correct position
    then hit save to move all items at one time. It would save so much scrolling back and forth
    Thank you for giving us this tool – I am recommending to everyone

    1. That would be nice! Unfortunately my browser extension only changes how the items are displayed, it’s still using Etsy’s code to do the actual rearranging. They are supposedly working on a fix, so hope it comes soon!

  7. Hey, thanks for addressing this problem. I am sure they will find lots of pressure from folks with big shops, and solve the problem, but for now I am going to try this. Who has an extra 20 minutes a day to do it their way?

  8. Hi Doug, I was so excited when I learned about this new extension, but I can’t get it to install. When I try to install it it says, “Package is invalid. Details: could not load icon toolbox-128.png for page action”. I have no clue what this means and/or how to fix it. Can you offer any suggestions?

    1. Hi Pam,

      I fixed the issue with the “package is invalid” when trying to install on a Chromebook. The latest version includes the fix and is available now in the Chrome Webstore.

  9. Hi Doug,
    Excellent application! Thank you so much!
    Are you planning to adapt it for other browsers? I have 6 Etsy shops and therefor have to use 6 different browsers…
    Holding my breath… 🙂

  10. Hi,

    I don’t mean this to sound creepy but, I love you so much right now!!!

    Thank you!

    1. You’re welcome, I’m glad you find it helpful!

  11. Hi Doug. So I installed the extension and loaded the images. I see them all with their numbers and the cross like thing on the left but nothing will move at all. No dragging or changing the numbers. It’s just frozen.
    Tanaks for creating this. Can’t wait till can really use it.

    1. How many items do you have? Did it display a message box that they were all loaded?

      1. I have about 1500 items and yes it told me that it was done loading. I could only scroll intermittently. The page was mostly unresponsive.

      2. So I tried it again and it worked but EXTREMLY slowly. I suppose it’s a matter of overload with too many items? Is it possible that that could change?
        Thanks so much.

  12. Thank you so much! This is going to make my life so much easier. If you were here, I’d bake you a cake!

  13. Doug, I have been using your tool and love it but today and yesterday the load is different.
    After Etsy Loads the Items it then does a different spacing than what it was doing in the past.
    It is not as compact as when I was using it before. I can still use it but I really would like
    it to be compact again like it was before. Do I need to reload because of an upgrade on Chrome?

    I have 500+ items and I always have to wait until etsy loads everything before I can make any changes (comment for user who could not update)


  14. The hours you have given me back- and the lack of angst. So completely appreciative of your efforts on our behalf Doug. Big deposit in the Karma bank. Thank you so much.

  15. Oh my! All you guys tearing your hair off, wipe your tears! This is so fast and easy!
    Almost better than before!!
    Thanks a mill!

  16. Thank you so much Doug for making my life a LOT easier. I have 750 items and it has been a nightmare since the change. Finally had the time today to download Chrome and give this a try. It took mere minutes!
    Thanks for taking the time to help everyone! You’re an angel 🙂
    Sue @ GlitteramaCrafts

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